Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hello, I'm Maddy and I'm here for beauty addiction...

As I am 17, now with under 4 months until I turn the big 1-8, it dawns on me harder than ever that I still have yet to find my place in this big crazy place that they call the ‘world’ though that can be seen as a person, a place or a thing, the closest I have come to find is my deep, loyal love in cats.

Because of this, (and perhaps the lack of friends I have acquired possibly due to my love for cats), I have been known to frequently hobby-jump. A term meaning, one that frequently finds themselves going from dream to dream and from activity to activity trying to find their true calling, or for short term sake, a hobby.

 My last drama solo..My character was Pinocchio

..Who doesn't love to be a bit foxy.. >

For dreams, these are short bursts of obsessions for me. I can talk for days about the chosen subject until I exhaust myself out of it while annoying those around me to the brink of their sanity. These include, hairdressing, being a
 librarian, a songwriter, a writer, playwright, and a music video director as well as to be part of an ensemble/stage performer/actor. The list will go on. And on, And on. 

                         For activities I’ve tried from squash to tennis, karate to dancing, rock eisteddfod’s to school productions and to my recent attempt at guitar. The three latter have probably been my favorites.

 So its no surprise I’ve now turned to blogging and you-tube-ing. This came about in a few ways. One specific for this channel was a recent obsession with beauty channels here on this beautiful place of free speech and craziness!

So watching you-tubers such as Zoe (Zoella280390), Fleur De Force (Fleur De Force ), Rhiannon Ashley, (Fashion Rocks My Socks) Tanya Burr and Kate Murnane (Dolly Bow Bow)  and Louise (SprinklofGlitter) set of a rolling stone within me.

Though I don’t l know what will be in store for me in terms of life, I hope that you can enjoy my weird impressions or what I like to call, Too hot-for-hot distortion of my face. Its great fun! Along with some crazy antics, unbelievably fast talking 

Me just casually as a dead evil girl in my last Media groups film^  

(Im trying to work on that), hyped up crazy videos where I’m sure to drop things multiple things as though they were repeats of the same clip.
But most of all, I hope you enjoy the journey. The journey I’m taking to become a better, new, comfortable, confidant me. To turn my life around. (Of course its also my new years resolution)

And maybe if you would like to, you can also join in and become part of the same journey too!

Who knows, maybe I’ll pick up some new friends along the way and miraculously find my place. 


Find my new youtube channel here

And to find out more about me, check out my New Years Resolutions here! : D

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Avon Naturals Product Review

  Avon Naturals Refreshing Coconut and Lemongrass hand and foot lotion

The bottle claims:
'Induldge yourself with this moisturising  hand and body lotion. it absorbs quickly and leaves skin feeling soft, supple and smooth. this lotion will maintain skin's natural moisture and provide 24-hour moisturisation. 

To use: 

Apply a generous amount all over the body, particularly on exposed areas such as arms, shoulders, legs and thighs. massage in a circular motion onto the skin until dry. Use twice daily. Morning and night. 

My thoughts 

What I first found that I enjoyed about this lotion, was that there was no strong scent of coconut. Next to none! Even though the product claims that there is. 
However being someone who is fairly skeptical when it comes to all things coconut, when I received this lotion I believed that it would not be something that I could enjoy without sticking a peg on my nose. Though, to an extent, I was more than content to receive a body lotion, if anything at all! 
But instead I was pleasantly greeted the scent that is more than defiantly a fresh lemongrass dominated scent.

Having had a shower almost 15 hours earlier than this 2.30 am insomniac type session, the scent is still strong even now.

The texture is not thick and it’s very easy to spread with its semi-watery/creamy type  (Sunscreen is thicker than this) substance. It is undoubtedly the complete opposite to my Gingerbread Sparkle Body Butter from the Body Shop.

Since my semi-recent-starting unhealthy obsession with lathering on moisturiser every.single.darn.time I step out of the shower, this is the perfect every day moisturizer that i've tried. I find it better for the summer times than my previous use of Nivea Irresistibly Smooth dry skin body lotion.

As it claims, it does absorb somewhat quickly, and it feels relaxing on the skin on a warm Australian day. Though I do still strongly believe that all lotions should have SPF15+ I guess you just can’t have everything!

Though to it’s texture, its super duper easy to mix in with sunscreen in order to create that amazing summery scent that I have been searching for!

Unfortunately I cannot find this specific Avon product online. But other Avon Naturals products are available online. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy New Year! -My Resolutions-

The New Year


What are your new years resolutions? Comment below! I want to hear about them! 

Another year, another  365 days  of unpredictable craziness and another 40 of so weeks left of my last year in High School.

Just passed, another 1st of January when I made resolutions that will be forgotten by February the 1st and will forever be left resolved.

The question, this year, ‘will I make it a resolution this year to fulfill at least one promise I have made to myself?’ And then in fact killing two birds with one stone?


There is no reason to make a resolution about food for someone like me. Im not tempted but chocolate, cake, chips/crisps, or sweets of any sort.

 And staying away from the minority of junk food that I do enjoy, would never last. Because, when does it ever? (Though the respect I have for people that can, such as my mum, I will forever be in awe!)
 So instead I think the basis of this year will be keeping myself and those around me as happy and as for as long as I can possibly make things.

Of course for this,  we must start of with the traditional ‘get healthy’ one.
Though I’m not in any shape or form to be worried about my weight, and excluding any sort of idea of starting a diet. I plan to begin this year by living by the wisdom of Elle Woods.
Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands. They just don't!"In this case for me, ‘doesn’t fail year 12. They just don’t!’  

I think starting with at least 30 minutes of  walking or other exercise plus stretching is a good way to start.

Leg selfiess.... always great! 

what has also kept me somewhat motivated in past months was the calming exercise of taking photos of plants and such whilst on my daily stroll! 

Though, unfortunately, I am not a gifted photographer, I am fairly proud of these photos...Though my camera is to thank...mostly and there is nothing better than to capture beauty, stay calm and stress free while exercising! 

Also, to stay mentally healthy, I think I will put to use a well thought out Christmas gift that I received from my parents. 

The adorable chistmas-sy box it came in! 

 When I opened the box I wasn't sure what to expect!
I was pleasantly surprised.

 'Make today HAPPY'

I think it's an important thing to remind oneself of everyday.

 Three peg-magnet-thingy's, which I decided that I would use to clip up happy messages around my room!

A lovely ball point pen.
The ink was luckily in black.
(My favourite writing colour)

'Write it down' 

I think it's hinting something. 

 I love this idea! Though I don't believe there is enough for 365's, I think this will defiantly become handy for those unmotivated days! 

 The Collection!
 Just a little reminder...
How I have placed it

The original gift set:

At a newly lowered Price of $27.97, It's a fabulicious gift to brighten anyones day, or to even spoil yourself! 

Over all I think it was a cute stocking filler that my parents added. A gift with the main purpose of making me happier. 

The pages have a collection of blank pages, lined pages, worded pages and etc. 
Perfect for 'Happy lists', Happy snaps, inspiring quotes and more! 

Staying within the theme of Go and get happy, while I was searching for the gift set on their website, I came across the Kikki.K a project entitled 'The Collaborative Happiness Project' With the underlying message of 'Do More of What Makes YOU Happy!'

Go check out their site! It's not only a gorgeous page, but you can download a chapter of Gretchen Rubin's novel, 'The Happiness Project', you can take part in Happiness workshops, download inspiring wallpapers for computers and mobile devices! You can also pledge via Instagram for the chance of winning various prizes and join in on live chats! 

Take full advantage of this chance just as I am, in an attempt to make yourself happier as well as those lucky enough to be around you!
^The website ^

What are your new years resolutions? Comment below! I want to hear about them! 

I am not payed for this. I am simply showing to you what I have came across : )